Sponsor Us
Dear Friends, Partners & Supporters,
Today’s autistic community face dire shortages in housing, education, recreation and employment; not to mention the need for meaningful research into the cause of autism, and funding that provides services to individuals and their families whose outcomes are directly influenced by such challenges.
Autism Answers is excited about the opportunity to bring hope and change to this community, and to provide ‘solutions and answers’ to these challenges, particularly, for those that are socially and economically disadvantaged! Many of these children and adults go underserved, overlooked, and their challenges often result in desperate outcomes for them and their families.
Autism Answers is currently planning our outreach campaigns for the 2024, 2025 and 2026 year, and we seek your support. Some of our initiatives include providing public service announcements and information workshops, conferences, and events which will assist in raising the awareness of autism, as well as reaching individuals who are socially, and economically disadvantaged who may otherwise go uninformed, overlooked, and even worse, suffer desperate outcomes as an end result.
Part of our mission is to strengthen parental rights and find medical and educational solutions. Some of the ways in which we strive to do this is through our Legislation, Education, Advocacy, and Delivery of services initiative(LEAD). Our LEAD initiative represents our call for change in Legislation, Education, Access and Delivery of housing, medical, educational, recreational, and legal services to individuals on the autism spectrum.
Additionally, we envision raising monies for the ground-breaking development of green schools, recreational facilities, housing and respite relief facilities for adolescents and adults on the autism spectrum, and we seek your support to see these goals and initiatives to fruition.
Autism Answers request your assistance as a corporate sponsor in helping us reach our 2024, 2025, and 2026 goals and initiatives as required for various events, venues, talent, PSA, Ad campaigns, concerts, and our Walk for Answers.
Your contribution will help us raise monies and awareness for these initiatives, and events, as well as help to make a difference and change in the lives of individuals affected by an autism spectrum disorder.
We thank you in advance for your support!
Blessings & Miracles,
Linda L. Haynes-Pedraza